Physical Therapy

Programs that evaluate joint motion, muscle strength and endurance, heart and lung function and the ability of people to perform activities of daily living; and utilize the therapeutic properties of exercise, heat, cold, electricity, ultraviolet, water, manipulation and massage to improve circulation, strengthen muscles, reduce pain and restore mobility to people who have been disabled by a stroke, arthritis, back or spinal cord injuries or other debilitating conditions. Physical therapists practice in a variety of settings including hospitals, private offices, outpatient clinics, rehabilitation centres, developmental centres, home health agencies, schools and pediatric centres.



A full service, mobile physiotherapy clinic that provides clinical physiotherapy in the client's home or office.

A full service, mobile physiotherapy clinic that provides clinical physiotherapy in the client's home or office.

Services offered include:

A series of supervised exercise and education programs delivered in partnership with Hamilton Health Sciences and McMaster University that help individuals enhance their health while managing specific chronic health conditions and illness. 

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